COVID-19 Resource Center

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There's a lot of news about cholesterol these days, and with good reason. High cholesterol contributes to heart disease, which kills more Americans than all cancers combined. A regular exercise routine and good eating habits — along with medication if your doctor recommends it — can keep cholesterol levels under control and lower your risk of heart disease.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a name given to a group of diseases that limit the flow of air in and out of your lungs. COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Long-time cigarette smoking is the most common cause of COPD.

Men's Health

Stay healthy and vigorous into old age by eating right, getting plenty of exercise and following recommended disease prevention practices.


    True or false: If someone is following your car too closely, you should gently tap your brakes as a warning.

    Drinking can be an expensive habit. While you may not notice a dollar here or two dollars there, consider how much you spend per week and per year on alcohol.

    This questionnaire can help you find out how likely you are to have depression.


      Kidney stones are a common problem, affecting about 12% of men and 5% of women. Stones are typically caused by an imbalance in the urinary system: too little water, too much oxalate, or too much calcium. In this video, you'll find out how the stones develop and what you can do to prevent them.